
Friday, December 3, 2010

Walking and Weight Loss

Walking and Weight Loss:
Physical activity is not only an important factor in losing weight, but plays a key role in overall good health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), regular physical exercise will help maintain weight, reduce the risk of osteoporosis and falls, reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety, help control high blood pressure, reduce arthritis pain, and reduce risk for heart attack, diabetes, stroke, and several forms of cancer.
The Surgeon General?s Call To Action To Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity, recommends:
~Keep physically active to balance the calories you consume.
~Be physically active for at least 30 minutes (adults) or 60 minutes (children) on most days of the week.
~Limit TV time to less than 2 hours per day
How Much Physical Activity Do Adults Really Need?
You need to move your body to stay in shape AND lose weight. According to the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, you need to think about two different types of movement to stay healthy?aerobic and muscle-strengthening.
Check out this interesting page about physical activity and come right back to read more about walking and weight loss.
Walking is a great activity because in most instances, you can step out your front door and begin immediately. And that?s what?s important isn?t it? Beginning. Before starting a walking program, or any other type of exercise program, it?s always best to check with your doctor, especially if you have specific health concerns. As soon as you get the thumbs up, make sure you have the proper equipment, and in the case of walking, very little is needed.
~Walking shoes and sneakers: Look for a pair designed especially for walking. Also, make sure to replace your foot gear approximately every 3-6 months, or when you reach the ?500 mile mark.?
~Consider purchasing a quality pedometer: This tool will help track how far you?ve walked. The 10,000 steps a day rule for good health is much easier to track when have a pedometer clipped to your belt.
~Wear Comfortable Clothing: Nothing can ruin a walk faster than not being dressed well for the elements!
~I wear a hip pack that fits two water bottles, so my hands can stay free. When I go out to walk, I always bring along: water, my cell phone, a few dollars, a couple band aids, and my iPod.
How Far Should I Walk to Lose Weight?
The Easy Answer: Walk 30 minutes daily at a moderate (brisk) pace to maintain your weight, and walk 60 minutes daily at a moderate pace to lose weight.
Use your body as the perfect gauge. If you have to, start out slowly, and build intensity and distance as you feel you can handle it.
Walking for weight loss is not only possible but it?s FUN too, and that?s not even taking into account the multiple health benefits associated with it! Once you?re used to walking daily, try bumping up your walking workout by using walking sticks!
Walking and Weight Loss...Make it Work for YOU!
Walking and Weight Loss-->Best Abdominal Exercises
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